13 responses to A long road

  1. athyfoto says:

    Really strong ans atmospheric image Andy and I really like what you did with it in post. I take it you used the individual channels of the tone curve to get a quad tone.


  2. LensScaper says:

    I really like the visual dislocation of the road. Somehow you know those two sections are linked, but they are so well placed within the composition. If I was really picky I would have liked just a little more lightness in that further distant winding section of road. But overall it’s a fantastic image, Andy


    • andybeel says:

      Hi Andy Thanks. I use two computers with one monitor so I quite often do several versions of a file for the web generally brighter and a lot less contrast as I did in this case.The biggest problem is converting from Pro photo RGB colorspace (for printing) to sRGB for the web. Andy


  3. Paula says:

    Another one that sets one dreaming of going places or even of the long road ahead in life, getting shorter everyday though!.
    Just right and I love it.


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