Going east with dominance, balance and tension

I was in two minds whether or not to put this picture on the blog.

Everything about it is implied – nothing is sharp, it’s for the viewer to decide what the picture is about. It’s called “Going east” for the simple reason that the two figures are walking in an easterly direction.

Visual design as I have said in the past for me is about dominance, balance and tension. The tension in this picture is provided by the body on the RHS.

I like the way the eye is taken through the picture in two different but similar ways a) the curved highlight line on the road, the eye looks for bright lines to follow and b) the implied diagonal line made up of the drain cover bottom left, main figure and the figure & railings on the edge (that’s why they were put there and left in).

There is also the element of contrasting textures between the low contrast sand on the road and the high contrast timber of the beach huts in the top left.

Technicalities – Deliberate defocussing in the camera by focusing at my feet at f2.8, the usual 3×2 format was cropped in Lightroom to 16:9 to reduce and balance the foreground.  Lith processed in Lightroom with 1600 ASA grain added with Silver Efex Pro 2.

(c) Andy Beel FRPS


8 responses to Going east with dominance, balance and tension

  1. Paula says:

    I like the photo a lot, Andy. To me it has a mysterious quality , it makes me wonder who these people are, why they are there and where they are going in such a hurry!


  2. Lesley says:

    Yes, it works for me, so very little detail but I know where I am, my imagination fills in the details how I like it.


  3. andybeel says:

    Hi all thanks for the encouraging comments, it really is much appreciated. I started the post by say I was in two minds whether or not to put this up fearing no one would understand or appreciate the minimalist concepts used here. That’s why I spent time to explain the composition. I’m glad you all as nutty as me. Andy


    • andybeel says:

      Hi I am sorry I don’t know your name I could not find it on your blog. You make some perceptive comments in a way that I had not thought of before. My aim as a photographer is to communicate and involve the viewer at an emotional level.

      The new idea for me is the viewer owning the idea. I think I would describe that ownership as recognition and the forming or the understanding of a relationship through participation with picture.

      Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment.


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